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School advice to avoid spreading viral infections

1. There is no threat to life for most people, including students, infected with corona virus.

2. Shaking hands is banned on school premises.

3. Students with flu/cold symptoms should stay away from school until the symptoms have cleared up.

4. All classrooms will have hand sanitizer available for use before meal breaks and after P.E. classes.

5. Cough or sneeze into a tissue and not into your hands. If a tissue is not available, you should cough or sneeze into your elbow.

6. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water throughout the day.

7. Hand contact with the face should be avoided.

8. Wash hands before cooking and eating.

9. Wash hands after using the toilet.

10. Do not share eating and drinking utensils

11. All staff should follow the above procedures.

12. If you are unwell, stay away from school until the symptoms clear up.

13. School will not close unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

Paddy Kelly

Director of Education

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