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Propulsion Challenge

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this has been a difficult year at Goroka Grammar School. The school was unable to host any major events or shows, as we attempted to comply with Covid-19 regulations and in particular the physical distancing guidelines. Therefore, in order to end the school year on a high note, it has been decided to host:


The word propulsion is derived from two Latin words: pro, meaning before or forward and pellere, meaning to drive. A propulsion system consists of a source of mechanical power, and a propulsor; a means of converting this power into propulsive force.

The Goroka Grammar School Propulsion Challenge is for you to create a model that demonstrates propulsion. It must be a working model and it must be professionally made. Models stuck together using bits of sticky tape and made ‘overnight’ will not be considered for an award.

Secondly you will be required to submit a written description of how the model was made and how the model demonstrates propulsion.

Thirdly you will be required to produce a drawing of your model with all parts labelled that will be displayed alongside your model.

You will be allowed to work on your own on your chosen model or you may work in a group of a maximum of 4 members.

The challenge is open to all children of Goroka Grammar School and students may use class time, at the discretion of the teachers to work on the models, written description and drawing.

Participants in the Goroka Grammar School Propulsion Challenge may enlist the help of their parents, but the model produced must be substantially created by the student(s).

The following categories will be used for awarding prizes:

ELC-grades Kindergarten to grade 1

Lower Primary-grades 2 to 4

Upper Primary-grades 5 & 6

Lower Secondary-grades 7 to 9

Upper Secondary-grades 10 to 12

First & second place prizes will be awarded in each category and this will provide a total of 10 prizes. In addition, the best overall entry in the Challenge will win the major prize and a trophy.

1st place in each category will receive a prize to the value of K200 and second place in each category will receive a prize worth K100.

The overall first place prize winner will receive a prize worth K500. There will be no 2nd place overall prize.

The challenge will commence in week 2 of term 4 and preliminary judging will take place in week 7. During the preliminary judging any models that do not show the required standard of construction and appropriateness to the theme will be given 2 further weeks to improve their presentation.

Final judging and prize giving will be held during week 8 of term 4.

Students the ball is now in your court. Do you accept


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