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Principals Notice - Week 4 Newsletter 2020

Hello everyone and we are ending week 4 with and enrolment figure of just over 450 children at our two school sections.

This increased enrolment is having positive challenges to our daily operations. We have received comments and concerns from parents/guardians and are working around the situations to address as best we can.

The increased enrolment in a few of the Primary Grades has warranted the separation of classes which we intend for it to eventuate early next week. This will obviously require us recruiting additional teachers and as soon as we have teachers on the ground we should separate the classes. The Grades we anticipate separating are Grades Kindergarten, Preparatory and Grade 3 currently with student numbers over 50.

We have also made adjustments to our bus pickup arrangement which started this week. With more children using the bus service, we have now allocated pickup separately for the Secondary Section and the Primary Section. All Secondary Pickup will be from 7:00am – 8:00am while the Primary Section pick up will be between 8:00am and 9:00am. We hope this arrangement will minimize issues of overloading and late pickup we experienced in the last couple of weeks. We would also request your patience and assistance to have guardians at pickup and drop off points with your children to ensure their security while waiting for the bus. We will also from next week onwards have Teacher Assistants on the Primary Section morning pickup as younger children in the Kindergarten are also using the bus service.

For the drop off and home time for the Primary Section we are now keeping children in the respective classroom before releasing them onto the bus and parental/guardian pickup. This arrangement has minimized the chaos on the court during afternoon home time. Also for security reasons we request parents/guardians to report to the classroom to pick up your child/children.

On other news, we have now started using the NSI for our Physical Education programs. All children must come appropriately prepared for the PE program with sports gears and shoes.

For the Primary School we have installed additional computers in the computer lab and have started taking students to the computer laboratory for computer lessons. In line with computer lessons we have programed for teachers to access Mathematics lesson online for students to work on. This is one way we programmed to improve on students’ mathematics abilities.

We have also started assessing students reading for all grades last week and this will be report to parents/guardians in the Term 1 student reports.

For the Secondary School the grades 11 will be streamed this week into their respective streams. The course streaming outline has been sent out to parents/guardians and we request you speak to your child and apply accordingly. If there are queries you can call into the Secondary Campus and discuss with us.

Finally, we are fully implementing the uniform policy with all male students with beards to be clean shaven and to wear appropriate hair styles.

Thank you all and enjoy the weekend.

Mr Huanaromo

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