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Goroka Grammar School 21st Anniversary Logo Competition!

Goroka Grammar School is celebrating its 21st Anniversary this year, 2021. It is looking for an eye catching logo design for the anniversary!


We are seeking current GGS students to design an innovative, creative, and professional looking design. This design will be the basis of this anniversary celebration and will help promote this special year in our school’s history. The winning logo will be used in all promotional materials, inside and outside of Goroka Grammar School.

We are looking for some great designs, so let your creativity shine! Please read on for specifics on logo requirements, how to enter, and contest details. Your parents, guardians or friends are allowed to help you.

Logo Contest Rules and Guidelines

Age Requirement: Open to all Grades 2 – 12 students!

Submission Period: Thursday 11th March, 2021. Submit your entry to your Class Advisor. Please make sure you include your first name, last name and grade. Your Class Advisor will narrow the selection down to a finalist in the class. The finalists from each class will be brought to the Anniversary Committee, where they will decide which logo best represents the 21st anniversary celebration.

The winning entry will be the official logo of Goroka Grammar School's yearlong 21st anniversary celebration!

Design Requirements

Your design should be unique, creative, and represent the school as well as the 21st anniversary. The logo may incorporate other images if appropriate and abstract symbols, as long as the number 21 is included in the logo.

Other Requirements:

  • The logo must be submitted in blue, yellow and white.

  • Limit one entry per person.

  • Must have the number 21 represented in some way shape or form.

  • The logo must be representative of the event and the school.

  • All submissions must be original

  • You can use any form of art medium – paint, draw, computer graphics etc.

  • The winner will be announced on Friday 19th March, 2021.

  • There will be consolation prizes given too!

Judging Rubric

Below is the rubric that the panel of judges will use to determine the finalist:


Judging Criteria


  • 3 or more Principles of Design are represented

  • Contains the number 21 in some shape or form

  • Excellent representation of the 21st celebration and the school

  • Looks professional

  • Extremely innovative and original design


  • 2-3 Principles of Design are represented

  • Good representation of the 21st anniversary celebration and the school

  • Easy to see from far away

  • Design is creative and original


  • 1 Principle of Design is represented

  • Somewhat represents the 21st anniversary celebration and the school

  • Easy to see from a mid-distance

  • Design is somewhat original


  • No Principles of Design are represented

  • No clear representation of the 21st anniversary celebration

  • Design is not original

  • Lacks professional design look

  • Difficult to see from a distance

*A copy of the Principles of Design will be available from Mr. Daniel, Mrs. Koilopa or Mr.s Riyong at the Seconday Campus. At the Primary campus, Mr. Bure and Ms. Noah will both have a copy.

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