Hello Parents & Guardians
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
I belatedly wish you all a Happy, Safe and Peaceful New Year.
We are now ready to start the 2022 school year and I would like to remind all parents and guardians of the commencement schedule.
Monday 31 January
Secondary students in grades 7 to 12 resume classes.
Tuesday 1 February
Primary students in grades 2 to 6 resume.
Wednesday 2 February
Early Learning Centre children in Day Care to Grade 1 resume.
All carers are also reminded that the last date to pay full year in advance fees is tomorrow, 31 January. After this date all school fees will be paid at the termly rate.
We also have the new uniforms in stock and they can be purchased from the school office.
Finally, I am pleased to report that that Goroka Grammar School was placed 4th in the Grade 12 National Exams Ranking in 2021 amongst all Permitted & Private Schools in PNG. I believe this is a really outstanding achievement as we have an open enrolment policy into grade 11. Consequently, we have students of varying ability in grade 11 & 12 and still to be ranked so highly across the country makes the achievement all the more remarkable.
For this year our target is to improve on that position and rank even higher.
Best wishes for a successful 2022.
Paddy Kelly
Director of Education