As a result of the slowdown in the spread of Covid-19 in Goroka, we have decided to fully re-open the Secondary Campus after the Public Holiday next week.
Consequently, I am pleased to advise all parents, guardians and students of Goroka Grammar School that full-time classes will resume for all classes on Tuesday 15 June. This will mark the end of shift teaching at the Secondary Campus and it should be noted that classes will continue to commence at 7.30am and finish at 2.30pm.
However, we will reserve the right to make any changes that are deemed necessary if the situation deteriorates during the remainder of the year.
1. Monday 21 June end of term exams for all students.
2. Thursday 24 June school closes for the term 2 holiday and this will be for one week only.
3. Monday 5 July term 2 commences.
Paddy Kelly
Director of Education