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01/04/2020 School Notice

Hello To all parents & guardians.

I thought it might be useful to update you on the distribution of learning materials for the students during the period of school closure.

Last week, Wednesday, 24 March, we issued the first batch of learning materials for students who had elected to do ‘pick up’ of materials, rather than having the materials emailed. Numerous parents and students turned up on the day to collect their materials.

On Monday 29 March, students were due to return their completed work and to pick up the second batch of learning materials. This activity was scheduled to take place from 9am to 12pm. At the time I checked there were very few parents picking up and dropping off materials, but his might have changed during the morning.

The third batch of materials were scheduled to be issued on Monday 5 April, but as this is Easter-Monday we will issue the materials on Tuesday 6 April between 9am and 12pm. At the same time students should return the second batch of materials.

The third batch of materials should be returned to the school on Thursday 8 April and that will bring us to the end of term 1. School will close for the term break on Friday 9 April and we should resume classes for all grades on Monday 19 April. The school reopening is, however dependent on the National Government giving approval for all schools to resume classes on 19 April.

Parents are encouraged to take an interest in their children’s learning and to assist their children as required.

Today we will commence sending out invoices for term 2 school fees on the understanding that term 2 will commence as scheduled on Monday 19 April. If we are not able to resume classes at this time, the school will continue to provide learning materials so that the children will be able to continue with their education for this year.

Boarding Parents

Please contact the school to let us know if you intend to take your children home for the term break from Thursday 8 April to Monday 19 April or if you require the school to keep the children here for the term holiday.

Finally, I wish you all a safe and peaceful Easter and look forward to seeing everyone again in term 2.

Paddy Kelly

Director of Education.


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